Smoke alarms blare.
Cars crash. Fires burn.

When you need help, we bring calm to the chaos.

Prepared for everything, Brookhaven Fire Company volunteers train 52 weeks out of the year. We train at the station, go on site to burn towers and also learn in the classroom. Because of our high-level of training, we don’t get flustered. We do our job and remain calm, keeping our friends and neighbors of Brookhaven at ease amid the chaos.

We pride ourselves in our history, serving the borough of Brookhaven since 1922, and have a reputation of professionalism. We lead by example. Will you follow? 

Join Us
“Volunteering could be the best decision you will ever make in your life. It will teach you important life lessons such as teamwork, perseverance and discipline.”
–Tom Kelly, EMS Captain and Firefighter

Bring calm to chaos.
Become a Brookhaven volunteer!