Protecting Brookhaven and the surrounding Delaware County communities, Brookhaven Fire Company is committed to providing high-quality emergency services for more than 100 years.

Realizing the need for fire protection, a group of residents held meetings at the Brookhaven schoolhouse at the intersection of Brookhaven Road and Edgmont Avenue.  Brookhaven Fire Company was officially chartered on June 7, 1922, and the names of charter members can be seen as street names throughout the borough.

Since its inception, Brookhaven Fire Company has grown year after year. Our firefighters and EMTs respond to a wide-range of calls, with 700+ fire calls and 2,500+ EMS calls annually. Join our close-knit community!

“No matter your background, there is always something you can do to help out our community.”
–Bob Nedbalski, firefighter and Board of Governors

Bring calm to chaos.
Become a Brookhaven volunteer!